Improve Your Senior Leadership Team
Thinking About Leadership Development
Not enough time is being spent thinking about and developing Senior Leadership Teams (the top-most, or Executive Team) which our organizations count on to work well together and to make good strategic decisions.
EDA’s 2021-2024 Trends in Executive Development research found that 86% of participants stated that the success of their senior leadership teams is very important. However, only 35% felt that their current team was even 51% effective. Research shows that most organizations are spending very little to no time on the development of their senior teams and do not have a systematic plan in place to address this disparity.
Effectiveness is the Priority
With this awareness, we believe it is a great time to analyze your own organization’s approach to Executive Team development. Executive Teams must be aligned around the vision and strategy and work as “One Team” to execute against that strategy. Too often, executive leaders are primarily focused on the siloed function they lead, rather than their place as part of the company’s key leadership team. EDA can accelerate senior team alignment and make sure those teams are truly effective in their core work.
It is critical to focus on senior team development, not just individual development activities. EDA has a Team Development Process to work with your organization to enhance your senior teams. Our Team Development Process is designed to help teams access where they are now, get clarity and alignment on where they need to go, and work through a highly effective team process on how to get there.
Organizations recognize that these senior teams are an important aspect of their strategy, and it is time to develop these top-of-the-house strategic teams into highly effective Leadership Teams that lead their organizations to outstanding business results.
Speak with an EDA professional today to discover where your senior leadership teams can improve and create an action plan to do so. https://edainc.io/company/contact-us/
Bonnie Hagemann
CEO, EDA, Inc.
Executive Coach, Author, Speaker and Leader of Custom Executive Development Consulting Firm with world-class consultants, recognized in their fields as the creme-de-la-creme. Services include Executive and Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Succession Planning, and High Potential Development.
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