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How to Edit Questions

1. Log into your EDASurveys account.   

2. On the Home Page, click on Projects folder on the upper left-hand side.  

3. Within the Projects folder, you have the option to select Projects. 

4. Hover over the project you would like to view and click View Project. 

5. Once viewing the project, you will have the option to click Edit Project on the righthand side. This will lead you to your question options. 

6. Within Edit Project, your project questions will appear. Here you can edit your questions, descriptions, and answer options. 

Note: Description section is optional.

7. On the upper righthand side, select Question. This section allows you the option to adjust Question Settings and to add a Question Timer. The Question Settings provides the options of Quiz Mode, Shuffle Answer Choices, and Make Required. You can also add a timer to question if desired.  

Note: Adjustments made to these sections are optional.

8. Select Global on the upper righthand side. Here you can choose the following 2 options. 

   i. Select Show Description to show participants the survey description.  

   ii. Select Require, to require questions to be answered in your survey. 

9. Click Save to save any changes made to editing questions.  



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